I do think I am going to have to make sure I intersperse my squares with other ones so that I can break up the fact that I use a lot of the same fabrics. I mean, it makes sense. I have these and I don't go buy new fabric each time, but I should at least not put them right next to each other.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Black and White and Read All Over!
Next up are the squares I have been working on for my black and white quilt through swaps. As I said in my previous post, I make sister squares to everything I send out. It's a great way to add to my black and white quilt.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Swapping time!
I have been really enjoying doing swaps with Swap-Bot. I haven't been taking pictures like I did when I first started, both blogging and swapping. Some of the funnest swaps have been my color your block (or your color my block, I can't remember) because I do a test run with my colors first, then I get to make the block for my partner. It's a good encouragement to keep working on blocks for my black and white quilt. My quilt will be made up of the blocks I make, as well as the blocks I receive from swaps. Below are the pictures of the blocks I sent. The blocks I made for myself will be another blog.
This in a full quilt would just be lovely. The recipient asked for purple, then an accent of yellow. I hope that she likes it.
This one I liked because of all of the oranges. I still don't know though if I like the red as the trapezoids, or if I would have liked it more as yellow. The yellow is also really cool because it is a really awesome VeggieTales print. Made me smile :-)
Yes, this one is black and white. It's an extra for some of the black and white swaps that I do occasionally. It will be getting sent out as soon as there is another swap!
And that's it for today. Lots of pretty squares!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Aiming for Accuracy!
So, one of my summer projects has been the Aiming for Accuracy QAL. I'm excited with how it has been turning out. It is being hosted over at the Quilting Gallery. The link is over in my sidebar. This started out as a gift project, but has since been changed into just a fun quilt to make. It's also really helping my quilting in general. My accuracy has been improving, as well as I have been finding some pretty awesome tools that help with the whole accuracy thing. So, here we go! At the end is my digital design wall, which is wonderful for getting a sense of color balance and such.

Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Design Wall
I haven't gotten around to the square for this week, but thankfully, I have until Friday to do so, which means I can take a few days.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Catch Up Time!
Hey world,
I have been busy cleaning and packing and working and sewing. I have lots of pictures of everything I have been working on as well. I just haven't gotten around to posting about them. The next few days will have posts covering what I have been up to. Yay for getting caught up.
I have been busy cleaning and packing and working and sewing. I have lots of pictures of everything I have been working on as well. I just haven't gotten around to posting about them. The next few days will have posts covering what I have been up to. Yay for getting caught up.
This is my personalized flask for the dance event that I help organize. I am pretty excited about getting this in. It's just one of those fun things that gets to stick around as I am traveling around. Also, it gives me a good place to stash a little something to keep me calm while working said event.
In case you are curious about what 35 ears of corn looks like, here you go. Fourth of July baby! I was eating corn for two weeks after this.
And here is my little Jeep turning 90,000 miles. It's crazy just how many miles I put on this thing, even though I don't feel like I drive that much.
I got a new cutting mat at Joann's for 50% off (which was awesome) so Lucky had to break it in for me. Just had to. I don't get why he likes laying on my mats, but he does.
And I got to teach a friend's daughter the basics of tee shirt quilts. More photos to come of the finished quilt. It was fun to work on for her and with her.
And that's what has been going on with me, at least in a snap shot. There are plenty more posts planned in the next few days to cover all of the other things I have been working on. Enjoy!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
It's Sew Summer
So here we go! This week has gone by so quickly. Currently, the pants are winning. I don't know what happened, but somehow, I ended up making the wrong size pants, so I have to figure out how much I want to tear apart and how much I just want to make adjustments.
The zipper has been such a frustrating issue. One of these days, we will get along, but I don't think it is going to be tonight. :-)
I also finished up the 12" x 12" square for a swap. This one was one where I could pick the pattern, while the receiver picks the colors.
I am really glad to be done with this pattern. While I love it and it turns out kinda cool, it is frustrating. I hope that the recipient enjoys it when it gets there. It's currently winging its way to to Germany, so it will take a few weeks for me to hear back.
I also have been able to get started on my Aiming for Accuracy QAL.
I'm really excited to have this first one finished. It isn't quite as precise as I would like, but I like the colors. I'm excited to see how the rest of it turns out. There are some other people who are looking at doing two as they go, in two different color ways. I'm starting to debate doing this too. I would have to go dig through my stash though, as I am currently refusing to purchase anything unless it is connected to a pattern I am working right now.
These are the rest of my fabrics. Pinks, oranges, reds, and purples. I am finally using my fabric stash! The only thing that I have purchased for this project is the background (dark chocolate brown). I am going to look for some batiks this next week for the edge of the quilt and the binding.
And this is one of the surprises I had waiting for me in the mail today when I came home!
It's for my black and white quilt that I am getting squares from swapping for. It's the most eclectic one I have so far. You can't see it because I took a horrible picture, but there is a black strip over the top as well. I've been thinking about this quilt and I am contemplating doing black sashing and white cornerstones, but I'm not quite sure yet. But that is a long time out at this point. Still have quite a few more blocks to go.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Okay, so while I like looking nice and all, having pants that fit my short, curvy frame is difficult. Or at least it is difficult to find pants that look good and are within my budget.
Enter adjustable pants pattern.
I haven't quite gotten everything cut out and put together for these, but I am trying them. I have quite a bit of denim from a friend here in town, so that is my starting base. And I have just enough of it to actually make my trial pair. I'm going to go through and make a rough draft you could say. After that, I will know how I want to adjust the pattern and then I can start making them en masse. I do have quite a few pairs of dress pants right now, but there is something with each one of them that I can complain about. Hopefully this dive into clothing will help me better understand how to alter pants and thereby fix all the problems I have!
Enter adjustable pants pattern.
I haven't quite gotten everything cut out and put together for these, but I am trying them. I have quite a bit of denim from a friend here in town, so that is my starting base. And I have just enough of it to actually make my trial pair. I'm going to go through and make a rough draft you could say. After that, I will know how I want to adjust the pattern and then I can start making them en masse. I do have quite a few pairs of dress pants right now, but there is something with each one of them that I can complain about. Hopefully this dive into clothing will help me better understand how to alter pants and thereby fix all the problems I have!
Productive Weekend!
Hey there,
So, I am really excited that I am slowly starting to get through all of my projects. This is my project board.
I know, it's crazy. And it doesn't even start to list the non quilting projects I have in mind or need to finish. Yes, I know. I'm a little addicted. I am reminded of the regularly.
But I did finish up a dog bed this weekend for my baby. I haven't been letting him have his rug in the living room because I have been using it to cut fabric quite a bit, so I thought I owed him something soft to lay on when he wants to whine at me.
I also finished up the second of the three quilts from the first group of children rescued from slavery in Ghana by Mercy Project.
This one is going to the director's family. I'm really excited to have this finished and can't wait to get it over to the family. While it isn't the best job of quilting I have done, I do like the back.
It has signatures from all different supporters, children and adults, of Mercy Project at our church. I really like it. I would have been able to give it to them today, but the mom and dad just got to spend a few days with their adopted son in Ghana while they wait for paperwork to clear. It has been kinda crazy for them with everything, but they are praying that they get to bring their son home in the fall.
I also got all the color fabric cutting done for a new quilt I am starting with my yellow and blue batiks. I'm calling it "Night Sky" and it is based off of the Sparkle Punch pattern by Elizabeth Hartman found in Fon's and Porter's The Art of Quilting. I'm going to expand the pattern to fit a queen sized bed, as well as try to make it a little more random. Yes, I love the random. I'm using a black background, which I haven't started cutting. I also am going to use a blue and yellow scrappy binding for it. I really do love scrappy bindings, so it will be fun, especially with the black. I kinda want to work on getting some of the items on that list of doom up there cleared off, especially since I am going to be moving soon. This quilt doesn't have to be finished right now, just finished sometime.
The next quilt I started this weekend (yes, I know, addict) is the Aiming for Accuracy quilt. I am using my pink, orange, and purple batiks for this one and found this awesome dark chocolate fabric to go with it. Unless it's held next to black, you can't tell it is black, which is awesome. It just is a little softer than if I had gone with black. And mind you, I drug all of these fabrics to the fabric store to find the best color. I think I am going to wait until the sale in a few weeks to get the backing fabric for this, which I would like to be the same color. This quilt might end up being a present, so the idea that it is all fancy and such is nice.
And if all of this isn't enough, I also worked on gridding and cutting shirts for a t-shirt quilt I am donating to a school I worked for this last year. It isn't anything super fancy, but I am lining it with bright yellow flannel and putting both sides of the shirts in the quilt.
The fronts of the shirts will make up the front of the quilt, and the backs will make up the backs. It is very similar to my sweatshirt quilt that I made for myself. It's a three by three quilt, so I got a third of them done today. I am trying my best to make sure that I have each image centered as much as possible on the shirt, so it's taking a little more time. I like it well enough, but I am glad to get it off my board. There will be some trimming after I get everything cut out and X quilted, but right now, each block is 15" x 17". We'll see what it finally works out to be.
And yah, I was busy this weekend. I left the house for the dog park and to go grocery shopping. I know, cloistered away, but I feel really productive. I actually am working like I feel like I had thought I would be working all summer. I really want to get a lot of those projects on the list off before I leave. That way, I know that I am moving quilts, rather than lots of pieces of fabric that could get strewn from here to Seattle.
So, I am really excited that I am slowly starting to get through all of my projects. This is my project board.
I know, it's crazy. And it doesn't even start to list the non quilting projects I have in mind or need to finish. Yes, I know. I'm a little addicted. I am reminded of the regularly.
But I did finish up a dog bed this weekend for my baby. I haven't been letting him have his rug in the living room because I have been using it to cut fabric quite a bit, so I thought I owed him something soft to lay on when he wants to whine at me.
I also finished up the second of the three quilts from the first group of children rescued from slavery in Ghana by Mercy Project.
This one is going to the director's family. I'm really excited to have this finished and can't wait to get it over to the family. While it isn't the best job of quilting I have done, I do like the back.
It has signatures from all different supporters, children and adults, of Mercy Project at our church. I really like it. I would have been able to give it to them today, but the mom and dad just got to spend a few days with their adopted son in Ghana while they wait for paperwork to clear. It has been kinda crazy for them with everything, but they are praying that they get to bring their son home in the fall.
I also got all the color fabric cutting done for a new quilt I am starting with my yellow and blue batiks. I'm calling it "Night Sky" and it is based off of the Sparkle Punch pattern by Elizabeth Hartman found in Fon's and Porter's The Art of Quilting. I'm going to expand the pattern to fit a queen sized bed, as well as try to make it a little more random. Yes, I love the random. I'm using a black background, which I haven't started cutting. I also am going to use a blue and yellow scrappy binding for it. I really do love scrappy bindings, so it will be fun, especially with the black. I kinda want to work on getting some of the items on that list of doom up there cleared off, especially since I am going to be moving soon. This quilt doesn't have to be finished right now, just finished sometime.
The next quilt I started this weekend (yes, I know, addict) is the Aiming for Accuracy quilt. I am using my pink, orange, and purple batiks for this one and found this awesome dark chocolate fabric to go with it. Unless it's held next to black, you can't tell it is black, which is awesome. It just is a little softer than if I had gone with black. And mind you, I drug all of these fabrics to the fabric store to find the best color. I think I am going to wait until the sale in a few weeks to get the backing fabric for this, which I would like to be the same color. This quilt might end up being a present, so the idea that it is all fancy and such is nice.
And if all of this isn't enough, I also worked on gridding and cutting shirts for a t-shirt quilt I am donating to a school I worked for this last year. It isn't anything super fancy, but I am lining it with bright yellow flannel and putting both sides of the shirts in the quilt.
The fronts of the shirts will make up the front of the quilt, and the backs will make up the backs. It is very similar to my sweatshirt quilt that I made for myself. It's a three by three quilt, so I got a third of them done today. I am trying my best to make sure that I have each image centered as much as possible on the shirt, so it's taking a little more time. I like it well enough, but I am glad to get it off my board. There will be some trimming after I get everything cut out and X quilted, but right now, each block is 15" x 17". We'll see what it finally works out to be.
And yah, I was busy this weekend. I left the house for the dog park and to go grocery shopping. I know, cloistered away, but I feel really productive. I actually am working like I feel like I had thought I would be working all summer. I really want to get a lot of those projects on the list off before I leave. That way, I know that I am moving quilts, rather than lots of pieces of fabric that could get strewn from here to Seattle.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
I'm sewing again!
I thought I was going to have a lot of extra time this summer to work on projects.
Yah, right.
Moving has hogged some of my time, as well as plain laziness or resting, depending on who you ask. But I am enjoying working through everything. Purging is good. Yes. And with it, I am working on cleaning and scanning all of my paper binders for teaching.
That's what I am facing, yes. Though most of those have been scanned already. Finished up the last of the ones I have right now today. I will probably have some more, but right now, everything is scanned. And so, I celebrated!
So, this is a test run of a my color your block swap that I am doing. The final colors will be tan, orange, teal, and dark grey/black. But the test square is for my black and white quilt. The pattern is Starry Skyline, found here.
And this is my contribution for a black and white swap. Yay!
And here is the one going into my quilt! Slightly, slightly different, but still I like that factor of it. I like the disappearing 9 patch. It was good to after the square above. While I love it, it was frustrating and a pain in the but. Maybe, if I did the center swirl going different ways in multiple squares, that would be helpful. There were a lot of seams being ripped apart while I was working on it. But, I finished it! Whee!
I am still working on finishing up my quilting projects. I have to tear out some seams from my friend's quilt. The back got all ripply. Not fun, but such is life. But now is bed time, so I should get going.
Yah, right.
Moving has hogged some of my time, as well as plain laziness or resting, depending on who you ask. But I am enjoying working through everything. Purging is good. Yes. And with it, I am working on cleaning and scanning all of my paper binders for teaching.
That's what I am facing, yes. Though most of those have been scanned already. Finished up the last of the ones I have right now today. I will probably have some more, but right now, everything is scanned. And so, I celebrated!
So, this is a test run of a my color your block swap that I am doing. The final colors will be tan, orange, teal, and dark grey/black. But the test square is for my black and white quilt. The pattern is Starry Skyline, found here.
And this is my contribution for a black and white swap. Yay!
And here is the one going into my quilt! Slightly, slightly different, but still I like that factor of it. I like the disappearing 9 patch. It was good to after the square above. While I love it, it was frustrating and a pain in the but. Maybe, if I did the center swirl going different ways in multiple squares, that would be helpful. There were a lot of seams being ripped apart while I was working on it. But, I finished it! Whee!
I am still working on finishing up my quilting projects. I have to tear out some seams from my friend's quilt. The back got all ripply. Not fun, but such is life. But now is bed time, so I should get going.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Okay, so I am really excited to say that I have finished one of my quilts that I have been needing to finish.
This quilt is going to be a part of the Mercy Project's Annual Art Auction. Funds will go to help the organization provide economic development to villages in Ghana in exchange for the release of the children they own as slaves. I talked more about this when I first introduced this group of quilts here. I have been working on and off on these quilts for a while, so I am excited to finally be finishing up, at least on one. I still have two more to finish: a surprise one for the program director and his wife who are adopting the only true orphan in this rescue and then another one for me. I had the opportunity to visit these children last summer before they were rescued, so I wanted to make one for myself. Also, I have a few extra hand prints, so I am going to use those to make a table runner for one of the other staff members. I had wanted to make her a quilt as well, but they didn't bring back enough hand prints.
So, some of the details about this quilt that I am really proud of are the corners of the binding, which actually look mitered correctly and my back. While it isn't perfect, I have incorporated a hanging pocket, which is a first for me. I'm proud that there aren't any huge buckles in the fabric. Now off to finish my other two quilts, as well as another quilt that needs to be assembled right quick. I really would like to have all of these off my board this week. Here's to hoping!
If you are interested in purchasing this quilt, click through here! Auction closes at 5pm central on 6/11/2013
This quilt is going to be a part of the Mercy Project's Annual Art Auction. Funds will go to help the organization provide economic development to villages in Ghana in exchange for the release of the children they own as slaves. I talked more about this when I first introduced this group of quilts here. I have been working on and off on these quilts for a while, so I am excited to finally be finishing up, at least on one. I still have two more to finish: a surprise one for the program director and his wife who are adopting the only true orphan in this rescue and then another one for me. I had the opportunity to visit these children last summer before they were rescued, so I wanted to make one for myself. Also, I have a few extra hand prints, so I am going to use those to make a table runner for one of the other staff members. I had wanted to make her a quilt as well, but they didn't bring back enough hand prints.
So, some of the details about this quilt that I am really proud of are the corners of the binding, which actually look mitered correctly and my back. While it isn't perfect, I have incorporated a hanging pocket, which is a first for me. I'm proud that there aren't any huge buckles in the fabric. Now off to finish my other two quilts, as well as another quilt that needs to be assembled right quick. I really would like to have all of these off my board this week. Here's to hoping!
If you are interested in purchasing this quilt, click through here! Auction closes at 5pm central on 6/11/2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Hey there,
So, today really doesn't have much of anything, be it that I had a weekend-long wedding I was at and a day's worth of suffering through the flu/food poisoning/allergic reaction or whatnot. I finally made it in to work today, which I am starting to think is no small feat. One hour in and all I have been doing is sitting and I'm about ready to nap. This might be a shorter day than normal for me, but at least I showed up. That's my biggest concern, that I don't get in to work because I only work part time during the summer so every hour counts.
But, even besides getting sick, the weekend was wonderful. One of my good friends got married at a beautiful and wonderful ceremony and then we all got to hang out and have lots of fun.
As for quilting and such, I have mostly been working on my Auction quilts. I think I will only have one for this auction, but I feel that is perfectly fine due to the fact that the other quilt I had been thinking about doing for the auction is less of an art quilt and more of a very fun, goofy, tee shirt quilt. Unfortuantely, there are not any pictures right now. I did get my second (and last) borders finished up, so as soon as they are attached, basting, quilting, and binding must be done and then I am done! So optimistic, aren't I?
And that doesn't even begin to list out all of the other quilts I have going. Maybe one day, I will have my footer be an update of where I am on all my quilts or digital copy of my quilt board. I think that might be something for a future post.
Also this last week, I delved into the world of designing my own paper piecing quilts. I really need to learn how to make big pieces first, because I have quite a few pieces for my blocks (try like 15 different small sections on one. I can't remember on the other). I just need to keep practicing. But that really was for my modification of PoD pattern. I'm adding and modifying quite a bit, but that's part of the fun!
Also, I am starting to think through the process of making a Firefly Quilt Along quilt. Not one of those light up bug quilts, though I have a love for them as well, but one based on the ended-before-its-time, one-season-long TV show Firefly. It might also have some pieces of the movie Serenity as well, just because, well, it would be a good idea... We'll see. I'll keep you up to date on that as things progress.
So, today really doesn't have much of anything, be it that I had a weekend-long wedding I was at and a day's worth of suffering through the flu/food poisoning/allergic reaction or whatnot. I finally made it in to work today, which I am starting to think is no small feat. One hour in and all I have been doing is sitting and I'm about ready to nap. This might be a shorter day than normal for me, but at least I showed up. That's my biggest concern, that I don't get in to work because I only work part time during the summer so every hour counts.
But, even besides getting sick, the weekend was wonderful. One of my good friends got married at a beautiful and wonderful ceremony and then we all got to hang out and have lots of fun.
As for quilting and such, I have mostly been working on my Auction quilts. I think I will only have one for this auction, but I feel that is perfectly fine due to the fact that the other quilt I had been thinking about doing for the auction is less of an art quilt and more of a very fun, goofy, tee shirt quilt. Unfortuantely, there are not any pictures right now. I did get my second (and last) borders finished up, so as soon as they are attached, basting, quilting, and binding must be done and then I am done! So optimistic, aren't I?
And that doesn't even begin to list out all of the other quilts I have going. Maybe one day, I will have my footer be an update of where I am on all my quilts or digital copy of my quilt board. I think that might be something for a future post.
Also this last week, I delved into the world of designing my own paper piecing quilts. I really need to learn how to make big pieces first, because I have quite a few pieces for my blocks (try like 15 different small sections on one. I can't remember on the other). I just need to keep practicing. But that really was for my modification of PoD pattern. I'm adding and modifying quite a bit, but that's part of the fun!
Also, I am starting to think through the process of making a Firefly Quilt Along quilt. Not one of those light up bug quilts, though I have a love for them as well, but one based on the ended-before-its-time, one-season-long TV show Firefly. It might also have some pieces of the movie Serenity as well, just because, well, it would be a good idea... We'll see. I'll keep you up to date on that as things progress.
Cleaning and Whatnot
Hey there,
So, these last few days have been my days off. Yay! Whatever I have that resembles summer break, soon to end with returning to work for summer session. I also have been in the process of cleaning. Trying to get rid of everything I don't need for teaching either Ag, Science, or English, as well as organizing everything I still have is quite the endeavor. Which ends up not leaving much time for sewing. I really am trying to get everything done for my two auction quilts for Mercy Project's Art Auction, but life is just taking time.
I have cleaned out my bookshelves, which means that I am now 53 books lighter, plus the books that have been returning to people. I also have been working on my Dr. Who embroidery quilt. My first square is finished! (well, at least mostly finished)
I'm excited. It is definitely something fun and it is broadening my crafting world as well, which is always good. My other projects (PoD and my Dr. Who QAL) have been shelved for a little bit. I have to finish those auction quilts first.
So, these last few days have been my days off. Yay! Whatever I have that resembles summer break, soon to end with returning to work for summer session. I also have been in the process of cleaning. Trying to get rid of everything I don't need for teaching either Ag, Science, or English, as well as organizing everything I still have is quite the endeavor. Which ends up not leaving much time for sewing. I really am trying to get everything done for my two auction quilts for Mercy Project's Art Auction, but life is just taking time.
I have cleaned out my bookshelves, which means that I am now 53 books lighter, plus the books that have been returning to people. I also have been working on my Dr. Who embroidery quilt. My first square is finished! (well, at least mostly finished)
I'm excited. It is definitely something fun and it is broadening my crafting world as well, which is always good. My other projects (PoD and my Dr. Who QAL) have been shelved for a little bit. I have to finish those auction quilts first.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Almost there
** Written Last week**
My students. I really should have just a blog to keep track of their antics, but I guess I will just mention today’s entertainment here. As an ESL support individual, I am here to help them in their regular classes, specifically English. Right now, we are prepping for finals, which include an essay during their testing period. I had to have a conversation with one of them telling them that if they don’t finish their essay, they won’t get a chance to finish it. This was after telling the same student that their activity for the day was to write a practice essay. I had to tell him about a dozen times. Only then did he put his computer away. Yes, this is my life on a daily basis.
My students. I really should have just a blog to keep track of their antics, but I guess I will just mention today’s entertainment here. As an ESL support individual, I am here to help them in their regular classes, specifically English. Right now, we are prepping for finals, which include an essay during their testing period. I had to have a conversation with one of them telling them that if they don’t finish their essay, they won’t get a chance to finish it. This was after telling the same student that their activity for the day was to write a practice essay. I had to tell him about a dozen times. Only then did he put his computer away. Yes, this is my life on a daily basis.
But, that aside, I was able to finish up some wonderful
things yesterday, one of which being a test for my licensure in Washington . I am still waiting for my scores for my writing portion, but I passed everything else. Yay! One step closer to being a productive member of society in Seattle!
In addition to my test, I also have finished up a gift quilt
for one of my friends. I’ve been working on this one for a while now, trying to
get everything put together with this. Handprints and verses were done by other
members of the small group I am in, but assembling it and finishing it has been
on me.
Also, I have more finished blocks to share. I didn't do all of these in the last day, but I am excited to document them. The two starburst stars are from this tutorial which I really like. I might just have to make more of these in the future.
And, as always, there are blocks for PoD. These are blocks two and three. Slowly working on it.
It seems to keep getting backburnered with everything else going on, such as quilts for the Mercy Project art auction, my random desires to clean, and such. Such is life though. That's why I have started it so early. That way, I know they will be finished.
Also, I have more finished blocks to share. I didn't do all of these in the last day, but I am excited to document them. The two starburst stars are from this tutorial which I really like. I might just have to make more of these in the future.
And, as always, there are blocks for PoD. These are blocks two and three. Slowly working on it.
It seems to keep getting backburnered with everything else going on, such as quilts for the Mercy Project art auction, my random desires to clean, and such. Such is life though. That's why I have started it so early. That way, I know they will be finished.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Is it over yet?
Hey world,
So, I am back. Or I think I am. It has been kind of crazy around here. Teaching and what not means that there is this thing called graduation. And they kinda like teachers going to all the stuff for seniors. Yep. Well, and then there is family. Even though they are a few thousand miles away, still doesn't mean they don't shake things up. And then there is the process of getting up to Seattle and everything that goes along with that. I'm moving in August, so I've been trying to get my teaching license and everything transferred That equals lots of testing. Blah. So yah. I have been busy with that and cleaning and napping and quilting and vacuuming. All that to say, I have my reasons for not being here. There are going to be some quilts coming out of the crazy, I promise, but for now, I'll just show what I have been working on.
Not a lot of pictures of what I have been getting in my swaps, just because things became so busy, but I have continued to do swaps. And I have picked up doing quilt alongs. I'm having fun with those. I even am going to try my hand at embroidery for one. Yes, I know, just a little crazy. I'm happy with it though.
So, I am back. Or I think I am. It has been kind of crazy around here. Teaching and what not means that there is this thing called graduation. And they kinda like teachers going to all the stuff for seniors. Yep. Well, and then there is family. Even though they are a few thousand miles away, still doesn't mean they don't shake things up. And then there is the process of getting up to Seattle and everything that goes along with that. I'm moving in August, so I've been trying to get my teaching license and everything transferred That equals lots of testing. Blah. So yah. I have been busy with that and cleaning and napping and quilting and vacuuming. All that to say, I have my reasons for not being here. There are going to be some quilts coming out of the crazy, I promise, but for now, I'll just show what I have been working on.
Not a lot of pictures of what I have been getting in my swaps, just because things became so busy, but I have continued to do swaps. And I have picked up doing quilt alongs. I'm having fun with those. I even am going to try my hand at embroidery for one. Yes, I know, just a little crazy. I'm happy with it though.
So, in looking at my photos, this is the only current quilt along that I have a picture of. I am working on an old quilt along called a Project of Doom quilt. Well, that leads you to the hosting website, but you get the idea. Lots of fun.
And before you say anything, I do know that two of them look somewhat similar. Trial and error. Playing around with paper piecing. I actually started this project before I did the TARDIS one. After doing that one, I have no complaints whatsoever about the PoD squares. So much easier.
Also in the midst of everything, I got to help a friend of mine make her first quilt! Isn't she adorable! Yes there are some issues with it, but she made it pretty much on her own. I coached, but she did everything from fabric shopping, which was an adventure, to quilting and binding!
Last, but not least, would be my squares for my swap-bot swaps. I only have pictures of one round right now, but I will get up more as I can. I do different square swaps and to memorialize them, I also sew a square in my colors, which are black and white (yes, I know, let's just not talk about how many quilts and sewing projects I have going).
The blue and white one went to my swap partner and the black and white one stayed with me! I really love how it turned out, especially with the white on white prints I used. I don't think they really show in the picture, but I like them.
And that's it. There will be more to come in the coming days, I promise!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
And we are back!
**Edit: I wrote this on Monday, but just now got around to putting pictures in and posting. Just so you know.**
Hey world,
I had meant to get another post finished last week, but life just got going a little to quickly with the holiday weekend.
Tuesday finished wonderfully after my post. Because I had taken some time to nap, I didn't feel exhausted when I got home from work. I even got to sew! It is such a crazy concept of having that time in the evening to myself. I got to cut and put together the first of three quilts that I am making with hand print squares from a non profit with which I am associated.
The idea is to focus on improving the villages with business knowledge and the start up for cage fishing, something that is sustainable and will supplement (not replace) the village fisherman's income enough to not need the children to work. Last summer, I had the opportunity to travel with the program and visit quite a few different places in Ghana.
The first group of FORMER child slaves!
Leaving the village for GOOD.
While these are not all of the children rescued from the first village as some had already been integrated back into their original families, these represent the first children accepting freedom through the program.
It is exciting. The first quilt will be going to the Mercy Project Art Auction early this summer, with the second going to the family that runs Mercy Project as a surprise. The third will be sticking around my house for me :-). I know, kinda selfish, but I really enjoy being a part of this organization, both through traveling with them and supporting them here at home.
In addition to working on my swaps, I finished all of the assembling of the squares for my 2.5" Royal Squares quilt. Woohoo! (It was sometime last week, but who really cares as long as they are finished?) Now comes time for all of the quilt as you go stuff before I can finally assemble it and then sew together the back and bind! It feels like it actually is getting closer to being done. I can't wait!
And last, but certainly not least, is Easter! It was a good, if challenging, time for me. My father was in town, which led to some tension, but I was able to say what needed to be said on my part. I got to dye eggs with my "adopted" family on Saturday.
Yes, we are all adults. And we are dying eggs. We have to get like six or seven different egg kits just for the fun of it. We ended up dying five dozen eggs. It was so much fun. These were the ones I did! Yay!
And of course, we had to have an Easter Egg hunt on Easter. There was only one person under 25 (who was 3), but it is the tradition. It was lots of fun. The guys hid the eggs, and then walked around the property while the women hunted.
We found all but three, two hard boiled and one plastic, but out of 95 eggs, that's pretty good!
I hope your Easter went well and you are starting to recover from the holidays!
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